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A Cover for a Wargames Book

 I've just finished a piece of cover art for an upcoming version of the table top wargame titled, simply, Quick and Easy Wargame, though that title may be changed in the upcoming version.  This book has been published by a small press guy named Clayton J. Callahan, who writes all the material he sells.  The game is pretty fun and his role-playing game, Star Run, looks pretty fun too (though I haven't played it yet myself).  He's pulled from his own experience serving in the U.S. armed forces and local law enforcement to put together some very helpful reference material for gamers to add some depth to these aspects of their games.  Check out his website, there's some cool stuff there: http://quickandeasygames.wordpress.com/

On the left, here, there's a detail from the cover image, but look in my portfolio for the full image. 

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