This is one of my favorite drawings I've ever done. It was inspired by, of all things, a TV ad trying to sell copies of the Book of Mormon. The commercial spoke of Christ's birth, ministry, and death and showed images of first a baby's hand against a black background, then a man's, and finally a dirty, bloody hand with a spike though it. I'm not LDS, but the image stuck with me. The other half of this is that every winter I buy a pair of super cheap work gloves and cut the fingers off for doing stuff outside. Everyone calls these my bum gloves. I thought it would be cool to combine the bum gloves with the idea of generosity that the Mormons were shooting for with their TV ad. As though the one you would expect to have nothing was offering what he could to you. Though, I guess it could also be seen as asking for a handout. So, as with anything, the interpretation is up to the viewer.
![Offering bwchar11web.jpg](/picture/bwchar11web.jpg?pictureId=4714866&asGalleryImage=true)